Sunday, November 30, 2014

Things I am Thankful For!

Thank you for adorable little black purses that have elephants on them at little thrift shops in Leavenworth.

Thank you for cute puppies to play with at my Grandma's house.
And thank you for cute puppies to play with at my grandma's house that get so excited to see you that they pee on your brother. :)

Thank you for cute snowflake dresses and for my mother with a niece to give it to.

Thank you for the blanket of snow to wake up to in the morning.

Thank you for the opportunity to go to state in my final year of high school volleyball.

Thank you for Bavarian Villages 2 1/2 hours away from home. 

Sunday, September 14, 2014

My personality type is ESFP.

Extrovert: 78%
Sensing: 50%
Feeling: 50%
Perceiving: 20%

"Several of my ESFP friends jump from thought to thought in mid-sentence, touching here or there in a manner that's almost incoherent to the listener, but will eventually cover the waterfront by skipping on impulse from one piece of information to another."   <----- This is so me! You should see my journals when I have a lot to talk about!

"Although some ESFPs may develop such abilities, the mastery of logic, analysis and abstraction is usually difficult and wearying, and not very much fun." <----- I feel the same way! Thinking too far into anything is so difficult and makes me feel insane. However, analyzing and logic is pretty much what school is; so of course I've begun to get the hang of it. :)

"[Feelings are] more often implied than verbally expressed, more apparent in countenance and deed rather than word or creed. <----- Again, this is me spot on. I tend to try to hold my emotions in so that I don't explode on people like Mt. St. Helens. (So sorry to everyone for my passive aggressive actions when I get annoyed O.o :D)


Affirmation Solicitation from my Dad

1. Diligent
2. Thoughtful
3. Athletic
4. Respectful
5. Creative
6. Joyful (He added a sixth because he's my dad of course! :D)

Basically is paragraph said that he believes that I have been given extraordinary abilities that I enjoy and continue to develop. He is proud of my self-motivation that has brought me to achieve my goals. He is confident that I have built a solid foundation through my well-balanced personalities and my driven spirit. (I feel so weird writing this summary about myself! O.o)